Meet Dr. Luca O’Brien: A passionate and driven connector in the world of upper cervical (craniocervical) care. With a decade of experience studying the brain through the International Baccalaureate program, a Bachelors in Healthcare Psychology, and a Doctorate in Chiropractic. During his Bachelors program at the University of Richmond Luca received the Pinchbeck Prize for his dedication to mental health. Luca gravitated to upper cervical care and is passionate about a salutogenic brain based approach in healthcare.
As the former President of the upper cervical club at Palmer College of Chiropractic Florida campus, upper cervical care completely changed Luca´s life after he received his first upper cervical procedure. Luca suffered from a sleep disorder that he had for over 6 years and was completely resolved with upper cervical care, igniting his passion for this specialty.
Luca is the Director of the public relations committee for the ICA´s Council on Upper Cervical Care (ICA-CUCC) focusing specifically on spreading awareness in Europe. He is also a candidate for the (Diplomate in Chiropractic Craniocervical Junction Procedures) DCCJP, a 3 year post-doctoral diplomate specializing in upper cervical care through the (ICA-CUCC).